Monday, November 16, 2009

Sometimes I have insomnia....and other times I don't....
It's the strangest thing, cuz i love to sleep.
It runs in my family but it sux when you need to stay awake and
you can't stop your eyes from shutting down after a full day without sleep
your mind blacks out and you lose those few hours of knocked-out bliss
and you practically wake up a different person.
So in my late hours of stupor, I casually browse around.
Especially on Youtube. I have found many new things thanks to YT.
I've always loved make-up and now I actually know how to apply it
And since, I'm a regular joe-I use what I have to recreate looks I fall in love with
Like just the other night, I dolled myself up like the did in the twenties...
Now Idk if it looks remotely flapperish but I had fun doing it!!!

I used mostly Covergirl eyeshadows
**Shimmery Black Eyeshadow - Shimmer Onyx
**Matte Brown Eyeshadow - Brown Smoulder

Any Black Eyeliner
I used Engraved from Mac

Use a concealer and powder lighter than your own skin tone

and a rich red color!!

I'll have more info on this look if you're interested. =)

Exes and Ohs!!!!

Mah First Entry!!!

Allo! I think for now its best that I say I love all things unique! and even some that are labeled "trendy" or "bandwagon"...i don't care, I like what I like!
I'm always open to suggestions and if you got any questions, I'll set up a new email account just for my bloggers!!!
I love to write, and I like hearing ppl out! I love all types of music and film, and I'm interested in new things and experiences.

Now, speaking of new things...
I just recently stumbled upon a new [to me] artist named Emilie Simon. She's french and fantastic!!!! I love her voice and she's soo soft-spoken.
The song I first heard was "Le Desert" and I must say I nearly have it memorized!
She's gorgeous and talented! Her voice is very soothing and captivating!
I friended her on Myspace and YouTube! I'm very intrigued by her..hope i like what i hear!!!
Have any of you heard of her???
If not check out this seriously inventive vid of hers...which of course Le Desert!!!

enjoy!!! peace and love! xoxo Cell